
Leveled Reading Lists for DRA 18-28

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Leveled Book Lists for Second Grade


DRA Levels 18-28


Below, you will find suggestions of books for your child to read organized by DRA level.  It is so important for your child to be reading year round.  If you need additional suggestions, please visit the websites noted at the end of the list. 


2nd Grade - DRA 18    
Title First Name Last Name
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain  Verna Aardema 
Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth  David Adler 
Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie  David Adler 
Funny Bones  Janet Ahlberg
Blackboard Bear Martha Alexander
Bear Shadow  Frank Asch
Bear's Bargain  Frank Asch
Moon Bear's Bargain Frank Asch
Moon Bear's Shadow Frank Asch
Moon Bear's Skyfire Frank Asch
Ivy + Bean Take Care of the Babysitter Annie Barrows
Ivy + Bean:  What's the Big Idea? Annie Barrows
He Bear, She Bear  Stan Berenstain
And I Mean It Stanley  Crosby Bonsall
Little Gorilla  Ruth Bornstein
Franklin is Boss  Paulette  Bourgeois
Franklin's Bad Day Paulette  Bourgeois 
The Very Hungry Caterpillar  Eric Carle
The Grouch Ladybug Eric Carle 
This is the Place For Me  Joanna Cole
Aunt Eater's Mystery Vacation  Doug Cushman 
Jamberry Bruce Degen
Charlie Needs a Cloak  Tomie dePaola
Sam and the Firefly P.D. Eastman
The Best Nest  P.D. Eastman 
Drummer Hoff  Ed Emberley
Little Black, A Pony  Walter Farley
The Little Red Hen  Paul Galdone
Danny and the Dinosaur  Sd Hoff
The Horse in Harry's Room  Sd Hoff
Amazing Grace  Mary Hoffman
The Doorbell Rang Pat Hutchins
The Very Worst Monster  Pat Hutchins 
Max  Rachel Isadora
Pinkalicious Victoria Kann
Purplicious Victoria Kann
Silverlicious Victoria Kann
Peter's Chair  Ezra Keats
The Snowy Day Ezra Keats
Milton the Earl Riser  Robert Kraus
Ten Apples Up on Top  Theo LeSieg
Little Blue and Little Yellow  Leo Lionni
Days With Frog and Toad  Arnold Lobel
Mouse Soup  Arnold Lobel
Mouse Tales  Arnold Lobel
Owl and Home  Arnold Lobel
Froggy Bakes a Cake  Jonathan London
Froggy Learns to Swim  Jonathan London
The Sword in the Stone  Grace Maccarone
I Was So Mad  Mercer Maer
Fox and His Friends  Edward Marshall
Fox At School  Edward Marshall
Fox Be Nimble James Marshall
Fox All Week  Edward Marshall 
Grandma at Bat  Emily McCully
Grandma Mix Up  Emily McCully
Too Much Noise  Ann McGovern
Stone Soup  Ann McGovern 
Father Bear Comes Home  Else Minarik
Kiss For Little Bear  Else Minarik
Litle Bear  Else Minarik
Little Bear's Friend  Else Minarik
Little Bear's Visit  Else Minarik
Too Man Rabbits Peggy Parish
Officer Buckle and Gloria  Peggy Rathmann 
Henry and Mudge and the Cold Shivers  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge in the Green Time  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon  Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge, The First Book  Cynthia Rylant
Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake Cynthia Rylant
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears Cynthia Rylant
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Cynthia Rylant
Mr. Putter and Tabby Walk the Dog Cynthia Rylant
The High Rise Private Eyes Cynthia Rylant
How Kittens Grow  Millicent Selsam
Where the Wild Things Are  Maurice Sendak
Green Eggs and Ham  Dr. Seuss
Hop on Pop  Dr. Seuss
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut  Dr. Seuss
The Cat In The Hat  Dr. Seuss
Nate the Great  Marjorie Sharmat
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa (series) Erica Silverman
There's a Hippopotamus Under My Bed  Mike Thaler
There's Something In My Attic  Mike Thaler
More Tales of Amanda Pig  Jean Van Leeuwen
Mouse and Mole (series) Wong Herbert Yee
Harry and the Lady Next Door  Gene Zion


2nd Grade DRA 20    
Title First Name Last Name
The Last Puppy  Frank Asch
Madeline  Ludwig Bemelmans
Madeline's Rescue  Ludwig Bemelmans
The Pain and the Great One (series) Judy Blume
Case of the Cat's Meow Crosby Bonsall
Case of the Dumb Bells Crosby Bonsall
Piggle  Crosby Bonsall
Franklin and the Tooth Fairy Paulette  Bourgeois
Franklin Goes to School  Paulette  Bourgeois
Franklin Rides a Bike Paulette  Bourgeois
Clifford the Big Red Dog  Norman Bridwell
Clifford the Small Red Puppy  Norman Bridwell
Arthur Babysits Marc Brown
Happy Birthday, Dear Duck  Eve Bunting
Mr. Gumpy's Outing  John Burningham
Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car  John Burningham 
Go and Hush the Baby Betsy Byars
Hot Air Henry Mary Calhoun
Principal's New Clothes Stephanie Calmenson
Minnie and Moo and the Haunted Sweater  Denys Cazet
Minnie and Moo Go Dancing  Denys Cazet
Minnie and Moo Go to the Moon  Denys Cazet
Minnie and Moo Meet Frankenswine  Denys Cazet
Minnie and Moo Save the Earth  Denys Cazet
Minnie and Moo: Will You Be My Valentine  Denys Cazet
The Egyptian Cinderella Shirley Climo
The Big Balloon Race  Eleanor Coerr
Jim Meets the Thing Miriam Cohen
Jim's Dog Muffins  Miriam Cohen
Bony-Legs  Joanna Cole
Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type Doreen Cronin
Darcy and Gran Don't Like Babies Jane Cutler
Dodsworth in London Tim Egan
Dodsworth in New York Tim Egan
Dodsworth in Paris Tim Egan
How Do You Know it is Fall? Allen Fowler
How Do You Know it is Spring? Allen Fowler
How Do You Know it is Winter? Allen Fowler
Corduroy  Don Freeman
A Pocket for Corduroy Don Freeman
Teddy Bears Cure a Cold  Susanna Gretz
Jamaica's Find  Juanita Havill
Chester's Way Kevin Henkes
Sheila Rae, the Brave  Kevin Henkes
Arthur's Christmas Cookies  Lillian Hoban
Arthur's Honey Bear  Lillian Hoban
Arthur's Loose Tooth  Lillian Hoban
Arthur's Pen Pal  Lillian Hoban
Arthur's Prize Reader  Lillian Hoban
Baby Sister for Francis Russell Hoban
Bargain for Francis Russell Hoban
Bread and Jam for Francis Russell Hoban
Surprise Party  Pat Hutchins
Harold and the Purple Crayon  Crockett Johnson
The Wolf's Chicken Stew Keiko Kasza
A Letter to Amy Ezra Keats
Island of the Skog Steven Kellogg
Lionel in the Fall Stephen Krensky
Snowshoe Thompson Nancy Levinson
Frog and Toad All Year Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad Are Friends Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad Together  Arnold Lobel
Froggy's First Kiss Jonathan London
Four on the Shore Edward Marshall
Fox on the Job James Marshall
Three by the Sea Edward Marshall
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom Bill Martin
Me Too  Mercer Mayer
Bear's Toothache David McPhail
The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash  Trinka Noble
If You Give a Moose a Muffin Laura Numeroff
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  Laura Numeroff
Amelia Bedelia  Peggy Parish
Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower  Peggy Parish
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Peggy Parish
Come Back, Amelia Bedelia  Peggy Parish
Dinosaur Time  Peggy Parish
Good Work, Amelia Bedelia  Peggy Parish
Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia  Peggy Parish
Amelia Bedelia Helps Out  Peggy Parish 
It's Halloween  Jack Prelutsky
Ruby the Copycat Peggy Rathmann
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Peter Roop
How Much is a Million David Schwartz
Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Fish Prize  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Lost List  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Missing Key  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Musical Note  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Phony Clue  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Pillowcase  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate and the Great and the Sick Case  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great and the Stolen Base  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great Goes Undercover  Marjorie Sharmat
Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed  Marjorie Sharmat
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa  Erica Silverman
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Horse in the House  Erica Silverman
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Partners  Erica Silverman
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Rain or Shine  Erica Silverman
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: School Days  Erica Silverman
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies Erica Silverman
Caps For Sale  Esphyr Slobodkina
More Tales of Oliver Pig Jean Van Leeuwen
Jack and the Beanstalk  David Wiesner
Commander Toad Jane Yolen


2nd Grade DRA 24    
Title First Name Last Name
Cam Jansen…Mystery at the Monkey House David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of Babe Ruth Baseball David  Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Carnival Prize David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Circus Clown David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Gold Coins David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Monster Movie David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Stolen Corn Popper David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds David Adler
Cam Jansen…Mystery of the Television Dog David Adler
Cam Jansen…Myster of the U.F.O. David Adler
Lucky Stars David Adler
Magic Money David Adler
Wacky Jacks David Adler
Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Harry Allard
Miss Nelson is Back Harry Allard
Miss Nelson is Missing Harry Allard
No Jumping on the Bed Tedd Arnold
Happy Birthday, Moon Frank Asch
Popcorn Frank Asch
Arthur Meets the President Marc Brown
Katy and the Big Snow Virginia Burton
More Stories Julian Tells Ann Cameron
Stories Julian Tells Ann Cameron
The Tiny Seed Eric Carle
The Dog that Pitched a No-Hitter Matt Christopher
The Dog that Stole Home Matt Christopher
The Josefina Story Quilt Eleanor Coerr
Jim's Dog Muffins Miriam Cohen
Hungry, Hungry Sharks Joanna Cole
Diary of a Fly Doreen Cronin
Diary of a Spider Doreen Cronin
Bad, Bad Bunnies Judy  Delton
Pee Wee Scouts:  Cookies and Crutches Judy  Delton
Pee Wees on First Judy  Delton
Pee Wees on Parade Judy  Delton
Pee Wees on Skis Judy  Delton
The Pooped Troop Judy  Delton
Animal Tracks Arthur Dorros
The Gingerbread Boy Paul Galdone
Over in the Meadow Paul Galdone
All About Stacy Patricia Reilly Giff
B-E-S-T Friends Patricia Reilly Giff
Candy Corn Contes Patricia Reilly Giff
Case of the Cool Itch Kid Patricia Reilly Giff
December Secrets Patricia Reilly Giff
In the Dinosaur's Paw Patricia Reilly Giff
Pickle Puss Patricia Reilly Giff
The Postcard Pest Patricia Reilly Giff
Say "Cheese" Patricia Reilly Giff
Snaggle Doodles Patricia Reilly Giff
Spectacular Stone Soup Patricia Reilly Giff
Stacy Says Good-Bye Patricia Reilly Giff
Sunny-Side Up Patricia Reilly Giff
Is Your Mama a Llama? Deborah Guarino
Chrysanthemum Kevin Henkes
Baby Sister for Frances Russell Hoban
One Fine Day Nonny Hogrogian
Don't Forget the Bacon Pat Hutchins
The Wind Blew Pat Hutchins
Ben's Trumpet Rachel Isadora
The Quilt Story Tony Johnston
Whistle for Willie Ezra Jack Keats
Horrible Harry (series) Suzy Kline
Mary Marony Hides Out Suzy Kline
Hill of Fire T.P. Lewis
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Leo Lionni
Swimmy Leo Lionni
Grasshopper on the Road Arnold Lobel
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain Arnold Lobel
The Giant Jam Sandwich John Lord
Through Grandpa's Eyes Patricia Reilly MacLachlan
George and Martha (series) James Marshall
Red Riding Hood James Marshall
Make Way for Ducklings Robert McCloskey
Judy Moody Megan McDonald
Annie and the Old One Miska Miles
Dinosaur Days Joyce Milton
Tikki Tikki Tembo Arlene Mosel
Afternoon on the Amazon Mary Pope Osborne
Dinosaurs Before Dark Mary Pope Osborne
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Barbara Park
Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Barbara Park
The Littles John Peterson
The Tale of Peter Rabbit Beatrix Potter
Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House Louis  Sachar
Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth Louis  Sachar
Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me? Louis  Sachar
Calvin Coconut: The Zippy Fix Graham Salisbury
Gregory, the Terrible Eater Marjorie Sharmat
Tooter Pepperday Jerry Spinelli
The Bravest Dog Ever Natalie Standiford
The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy Jane Thayer
What Mary Jo Sared Janice Udry
Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend Melanie Watts
I Know a Lady Charlotte  Zolotow


2nd Grade DRA 28    
Title First Name Last Name
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Verna Aardema
Onion Sundaes David Adler
Picture Book of…(biography series) David Adler
Fossils Tell of Long Ago   Aliki
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Judi Barrett
Ivy + Bean Bound to be Bad Annie Barrows
Ivy + Bean Annie Barrows
Ivy + Bean Break the Fossil  Annie Barrows
Berenstain Bears and the Missing Honey Stan and Jan Berenstain
Freckle Juice Judy Blume
The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo Judy Blume
Berlioz the Bears Jan Brett
The Mitten Jan Brett
Chalk Box Kid, the Clyde Robert Bulla
Night Tree Eve Bunting
Wednesday Surprise Eve Bunting
The Little House Virginia Lee Burton
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Virginia Lee Burton
"I Can't" Said the Ant Polly  Cameron
Julian's Glorious Summer Ann Cameron
All Star Fever Matt Christopher
The Basket Counts Matt Christopher
Catcher with a Glass Arm Christopher, Matt Christopher
Catcher's Mask, the Christopher, Matt Christopher
Center Court Sting Christopher, Matt Christopher
Centerfield Ballhawk Christopher, Matt Christopher
Diamond Champs Matt Christopher
Dirt Bike Racer Matt Christopher
Dirt Bike Runaway Matt Christopher
Double Play at Short Matt Christopher
Fighting Tackle Matt Christopher
Football Fugitive Matt Christopher
Hard Drive to Short Matt Christopher
The Great Quarterback Switch Matt Christopher
Ice Magic Matt Christopher
Johnny Long Legs Matt Christopher
The Lucky Baseball Bat Matt Christopher
Shortstop From Tokyo Matt Christopher
Skateboard Tough Matt Christopher
Tight End Matt Christopher
The Year Mom Won the Penant Matt Christopher
Jake Drake: Class Clown Andrew Clements
Molly's Pilgrim Barbara Cohen
Second Grade - Friends Again Miriam Cohen
Can Do, Jenny Archer Ellen Conford
Case for Jenny Archer Ellen Conford
Miss Rumphius Barbara Cooney
Diary of a Worm Doreen Cronin
Tyler Toad and Thunder Robert Crowe
Five True Dog Stories Margaret Davidson
Five True Horse Stories Margaret Davidson
The Art Lesson Tomie dePaola
The Cloud Book Tomie dePaola
The Patchwork Quilt Valerie Flournoy
Dandelion Don Freeman
Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room Patricia Reilly Giff
Count Your Money With the Polk Street School Patricia Reilly Giff
Emily Arrow Promises to do Better This Year Patricia Reilly Giff
Fancy Feet Patricia Reilly Giff
In the Dinosaur's Paw Patricia Reilly Giff
Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs Patricia Reilly Giff
Let's Go, Philadelphia Patricia Reilly Giff
Monster Rabbit Runs Amuck! Patricia Reilly Giff
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses Paul Goble
The Reason for a Flower Ruth Heller
Boundless Grace Mary Hoffman
Aunt Flossie's Hats Elizabeth Howard
Rip Roaring Russell Johanna Hurwitz
Russell Rides Again Johanna Hurwitz
Russell Sprouts Johanna Hurwitz
One Eyed Jake Pat Hutchins
Goldilicious Victoria Kann
Martin Bridge: Blazing Ahead Jessica Kerrin
Don't Sit on My Lunch (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Halloween Fraidy-Cat (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Homework Hassles (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
King of Show-and-Tell (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
One Hundredth Day of School (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Ready, Set, Snow! (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Shark Tooth Tale (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Stop That Hamster (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Tooth Trouble (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
Yikes, Bikes! (Ready Freddy) Abby Klein
The Story of Ferdinand Munro Leaf
The Extraordinary Egg Leo Lionni
Uncle Elephant Arnold Lobel
Blueberries for Sal Robert McCloskey
Judy Moody:  The Doctor is In Megan McDonald
Judy Moody Predicts the Future Megan McDonald
Flossie and the Fix Patricia  McKissack
The Drinking Gourd F.N. Monjo
Afternoon on the Amazon Mary Pope Osborne
Dingoes at Dinnertime Mary Pope Osborne
Ghost Town at Sundown Mary Pope Osborne
Hour of the Olympics Mary Pope Osborne
Knight at Dawn Mary Pope Osborne
Lions at Lunchtime Mary Pope Osborne
Midnight on the Moon Mary Pope Osborne
Mummies in the Morning Mary Pope Osborne
Night of the Ninjas Mary Pope Osborne
Pirates Past Noon Mary Pope Osborne
Polar Bears Past Bedtime Mary Pope Osborne
Tonight on the Titanic Mary Pope Osborne
Viking Ships at Sunrise Mary Pope Osborne
Key to the Treasure Peggy Parish
The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock Bill Peet
Thunder Cake Patricia Polacco
How to Eat Fried Worms Thomas Rockwell
In Aunt Lucy's Kitchen Cynthia Rylant
When I Was Young in the Mountains Cynthia Rylant
Calvin Coconut: Trouble Magnet Graham Salisbury
Calvin Coconut: Zoo Breath Graham Salisbury
Calvin Coconut:  Dog Heaven Graham Salisbury
Chicken Soup with Rice Maurice Sendak
Too Many Tamales Gary Soto
Doctor De Soto William Steig
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble William Steig
Secret Identity (Shredderman series) Wendelin Van Draanen
Ira Sleeps Over Bernard Waber
Chair for My Mother,A Vera Williams


Websites for Additional Titles 


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